[Alsfastball] Port Elgin Blue Devils

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Sep 14 11:12:44 EDT 2004

From: "Fred Wallace" <fredww5 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Port Elgin Blue Devils
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:54:21 -0400

Fred Wallace
Bayshore Broadcasting

Wednesday September 15, 2004

Congratulations to the Port Elgin Blue Devils for winning the 2004 Eastern 
Canadian Men's fastball Championship.

The Blue Devils went 5 & 1 overall at the championship tournament in 
Sydney, Nova Scotia, winning the championship final 16-1 over Burwick, Nova 

And while the final result was one sided, the Blue Devils contend they were 
in a true struggle just to get into the playoff round.

The Blue Devils will also contend that while winning the Eastern Canadians 
is sweet, they have designs on bigger and better events.

First, the relatively new " I.S.C. 2 " category has rocketed in terms of 
popularity and the Port Elgin squad will try and earn their spot at the 
2005 championship when they travel to Hillsburgh to complete the Tournament 
of Champions on September 25th.

The Blue Devils were 3 & 0 at the event before rain halted the proceedings 
earlier and thus are scheduled to return for the championship final against 
an undetermined opponent on the last Saturday in September.

Port Elgin also would like an O.A.S.A. championship for their resume, but 
they'll be quick to point out the level of competition is exceptionally 
high at their level.

Witness the 2004 championship tournament in Owen Sound where Port Elgin was 
eliminated on the final day of the competition by St Mary's who in turn 
lost to Pickering.

There's also a question of how long these Blue Devils can remain together 
as a unit.

They're very young and gifted on the field, but off the field, who knows 
where their respective working careers may land them which might be the 
biggest challenge of all facing the future of the Port Elgin Blue Devils.

I'm Fred Wallace
From: "Fred Wallace" <fredww5 at hotmail.com>

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