[Alsfastball] St Thomas And District Fastball Semi final GM # 3 Union 4 Alvinston 2

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 16 11:20:24 EDT 2004

From: "Paul McCart" <fastballchico13 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: St Thomas And District Fastball Semi final GM # 3  Union 4 
Alvinston 2
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:46:22 +0000


     The Union Storm Defeated the Alvinston Indians last night 4-2 making 
the Series 2-1 for Alvinston with Game number 4 to be played This Friday 
Night in Alvinston at 8:00 pm with game 5 set for Sunday at 7:00 PM in 
Union if nes.


WP Todd Winkworth    7 Hits  4 K
       Mark Coleman   1-3 Walk, RBI
       Chris Pain         2-3 Run
       Brian Harvey     2-3 Run, RBI
       Troy Rick         0-2 Sac, RBI


LP Doug Charlton      8 Hits    9 K
     Scott McAuley      2-3    2 Doubles,  RUN
     Joe Triest            1-3    RBI
     Paul McCart          1-2    Walk, RBI
     Jason Hope          1-2    Walk, Run

     From > fastballchico13 at hotmail.com

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