[Alsfastball] Pitcher List

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 16 12:21:59 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 09:18:16 -0700
From: Mark Mackereth <markmack15 at shaw.ca>
Subject: Pitcher List
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

Victoria, BC

According to rumors it sounds like the list of pitchers is complete or just 
about. I would like to know how the ISC is going to handle situations like 
Victoria and area where we could have 4-5 pitchers on that list. Is there a 
special section of this rule covering in area pitchers or will Victoria 
have to release local pitchers on that list and will not be able to sign an 
out of area pitcher on the list unless we turn away local pitchers. I know 
this question was posted on Al's site earlier by Dean H but I never saw any 
response from the ISC.

As most of us have just read the tid bits on player and pitcher possible 
movements most teams are trying to get their rosters ready for next season 
and Victoria is no different but we need an answer to the pitching 
situation as that is the key spot for most teams and certainly helps in the 
recruiting of position players or keeping our local talent here in Victoria.

I would greatly appreciate an answer to this question from the ISC.


Mark Mackereth
Victoria Traveller's Inn
mailto:markmack15 at shaw.ca

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