[Alsfastball] First Pitch week winds into action

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Sep 16 20:07:04 EDT 2004

Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:35:05 +1200
To: "SNZ Media Release": ;
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at ihug.co.nz>
Subject: First Pitch week winds into action

First Pitch week winds into action

Thursday September 16th

There will be plenty of softball action and fun and games to be had around 
the greater Auckland region on Sunday September 19th with the launch of the 
inaugural First Pitch Week.

The promotion will see three clinics run on the North Shore, Auckland and 
Counties with children of all ages given a chance to get a taste of what 
softball is all about while also meeting some of the sports stars and 
having a lot of fun along the way.

This Sunday the promotion kicks off with clinics being run in the morning 
at Planet Sport, Glenfield, Planet Sport, Henderson and at Prince Edward 
Park, Papakura. In the afternoon the action will move to Norana Avenue 
Ballpark, Mangere with a play ball game for children and coaches.

Northern Regional Coaching co-ordinator Graeme Gollan says the day is a 
great chance for everyone from the greater Auckland region to come along 
and have some fun and try the sport of world champions.

As part of the fun there will be skill sessions run by a team of coaches 
and international players along with promotional giveaways and the chance 
to collect some autographs.

The fun is open to all children and people interested in the game with no 
past softball experience required.

New Zealand Softball chief executive Hadyn Smith believes many people were 
inspired by the performances of the New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox 
earlier this year as they claimed their third consecutive world title.

He says the First Pitch promotion which will travel around the country is a 
chance for all those people who sat and watched the winning ways of the 
Black Sox and thought they might like to have a go at softball to get a 
taste for the sport.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*  mailto:snz-webm at ihug.co.nz

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