[Alsfastball] Andrew Gone to County

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 22 01:02:35 EDT 2004

From: PeterJPorcelli at aol.com
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 00:55:49 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Andrew Gone to County

Dear Al:

It is my responsibility to let the Fastball world know as soon as possible 
that Andrew Kirkpatrick has decided to go to County Materials with Chris K 
and Jeff G., his buddies.

   He is going to a fine team and my good friend John Becker, who is one of 
the most knowledgeable coaches in the game. John also knows picking 
pitchers better than almost anyone, so I am sure "Cheezy" will continue his 
progress there and will someday dominate the field.

  I wish them luck together. We also look very much forward to opposing 
them in the ISC if we get our way. I can assure you, Calgary will be ready.

   Now that we have a pitching vacancy, I would be interested in hearing 
from anyone who thinks they would like to be a pitcher with the Diamonds 
next year. Thanks for your attention, and please join me in wishing Andrew 

Yours in fastpitch,

Peter J. Porcelli, II, LLC.
Res. 727-446-752 x 201 before 8:00 PM
FNB Data: 727-532-0977 x 277
Cellphone: 727-698-7259

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