[Alsfastball] Tri-County Fastball League - "B" pllayoff

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Oct 2 08:27:09 EDT 2004

From: "ftode739" <ftode739 at rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Tri-County Fastball League - "B" pllayoff
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 21:08:14 -0400

Congratulations to the Burgesville Bulls on
winning the " B" championship title last night
(Thursday) in Port Burwell, Ontario

Burgessville won last nights game 7-6 over the
Port Burwell Lakers  and won the B series
3 games to 1.

This was the first year for the Burgessville
Bulls in the Tri-County Fastball League in
South Western Ontario

Not sure if the game was long or it went extra
innings, but I heard a lot of the Bulls did not
make it home till around 4:00 am on Friday

This concludes play in the Tri- County Fastball
League for the 2004 season

Hope to see everyone at the League Closing
Banquet Dance at the Tillsonburg Community
Centre on Saturday Oct 16/04.  See your player
rep for tickets

Thank you to all involved in the league's success
The Executive, Player Reps, Teams, Umpires
Sponsors and most important the Fans

A good job by all, and see everyone around the
first week of May /2005, it is only 7 months away

Joe Todd

  From: "ftode739" <ftode739 at rogers.com>

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