[Alsfastball] A point of view

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Oct 7 00:32:01 EDT 2004

From: "Joel Balberman" <isfump5 at rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: A point of view
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 18:18:58 -0700

The end of another ball season is almost upon us here in Ontario. Time to 
reflect on the past and ponder the future.

I have followed, with great interest, the results you have posted from 
various leagues as they work their way through the playoffs and crown their 
respective champions. Here it is, October, and most leagues have wrapped up 
- some have been finished for several weeks already. Therein lies the problem.

You know, I can remember a time that ball lasted until World Series time 
almost everywhere. What you used to see were fierce rivalries involving 
local teams in their league playoffs, competing in several best-of-5 or 
best-of-7 series to win a championship. Often these annual showdowns were 
the highlight of the ball season in that community. Games were played at 
night, so fans were able to attend. Often, the games were extremely well 
attended, with crowds growing as you got deeper into a series, and into the 
later rounds. People came out to see their local fastball team in the 
playoffs, and even followed them to road games. Not only were league titles 
decided in this sort of format, but provincial championships in various 
categories also were decided by series play.

The playoffs fostered interest in the communities involved, and teams built 
a loyal fan base by their involvement. Results would be published in the 
local community newspapers. It would not be uncommon for a 
reporter/photographer to be assigned to a game. Competition was intense, 
with teams pitching their best against the other team's best. The intensity 
brought out the best in the players, spectators and in the umpires who 
worked the games. I daresay the players have more fun when they get to 
perform in front of a crowd in games that mean something. Some of my 
greatest memories as an umpire revolve around working the plate in a fifth 
or seventh game of a playoff series. As they say, you had better bring your 
"A" game.

While this format still exists, sadly, many leagues now use a tournament 
format, with play over in just one weekend, to decide their winner. Seldom 
do these tournaments attract the same size of crowds, have the same 
intensity, and generate the same level of interest as the playoff series 

Over the years, many have used this forum to suggest their solutions to the 
decline of the sport. I'll take my shot at it as well --- bring back series 
play rather than tournaments to decide league and provincial titles. This 
will help to promote the game, build rivalries, and attract interest from 
local communities, fans and potential sponsors.

To those leagues who are playing series to decide a winner, keep up the 
good work. Don't give in to the temptation to take the easy way out and 
play a tournament! To those who do use a get-it-over-with-in-one-weekend 
approach, think of what you could have. Building a healthy sport begins and 
ends at thelocallevel.Here'stogreatervitality for our great game of fastball!

Respectfully submitted,

Joel Balberman
Blue in Brantford

From: "Joel Balberman" <isfump5 at rogers.com>

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