[Alsfastball] Oshawa City And District Fastball Playoffs

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Oct 7 14:12:58 EDT 2004

From: "Sylvia Ryan" <sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Oshawa City And District Fastball Playoffs
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 13:43:38 -0400

Claremont Ontario

Game two, final round Oshawa City And District Fastball Playoffs

Aurora Leghorns 2  Claremont Rebels  0
Winning Pitcher    Todd Martin    0R  4H 1W   15K's
Losing Pitcher      Paul Koert      2R  3H 3W   14K's

Pitching duel all the way  total of 29 combined strike outs

Chris Jones 2-3
Rob Watson 1-2
Marty Humphries 1-2
Paul Koert hit a long fly ball in the 7th, with two on base, that should 
have won the game for the Rebels, however Rino Dambrosio tracked it down 
almost on the dirt of the far diamond, for the out.

Steve Paul 1-3 RBI
Rick Green 1-2 1W Home run RBI
Marty Greenhaulgh   1-3 triple scored a run

Next game #3 in Aurora Wednesday October 13th 8PM

Sylvia Ryan
Manager Claremont Rebels
Manager Peterboro Ricart Pros
Secretary Canadian Masters Fastball Association
Secretary Oshawa City And District Softball Association
Phone (905)432-3272
Fax      (905)432-3721
E-Mail  <mailto:sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>sylvia.ryan at rogers.com

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