[Alsfastball] RE: Series vs. Tournament

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Oct 7 16:39:11 EDT 2004

From: mohearn at uoftbookstore.com
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: RE: Series vs. Tournament
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:02:51 -0400

I've read with interest the comments of Joel, Sylvia and Andy this morning
and it seems to me you all make good points and I think that in this
particular discussion there is no wrong or right way to run fastball
playoffs.  We're all aware of the strong leagues in both Oshawa and South
Perth and what you are both currently doing with your playoffs seems to work
for your respective leagues.  Personally I've always been in favor of the
"series" format simply because I didn't want the possibility of any of my
best players missing a weekend tournament format because they weren't
available.  In the "series" format they might miss a game, but it always
gave us a chance to come back with our strongest lineup.  Bottom line is I
envy both Sylvia and Andy for being able to partake in two fabulous leagues.
Whatever it is you are both doing to make your leagues as successful as they
are, keep doing it and ignore the ramblings of us looking in.  Joel....I
know you meant well with your comments, but I think each league has to show
flexibilty in how they run things and when you look at Oshawa and South
Perth you can't argue with success.

Mike O'Hearn
Scarborough, Canada

From: mohearn at uoftbookstore.com

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