[Alsfastball] Barnstorming Women's FP team

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Oct 8 00:08:49 EDT 2004

From: WisconsinISC at aol.com
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 23:37:26 EDT
Subject: Barnstorming Women's FP team

Hi Al - Today, via e-mail I learned about a new traveling softball team 
that intends to barnstorm across the country beginning in May 
,2005.Theorganizational arm of the club is the same as the Harlem 
Ambassador traveling basketball teams where men and women play with and 
against each other.

The Harlem Diamonds is going to be a bit different, however. It will be an 
five-person team and all five players will be women of color. They are 
booking dates now.

In their press release I couldn't help but chuckle when a former male 
pitcher by the name of Paul Rohmeier, who claims to have beaten Eddie 
Feigner three times back in Eddie's heyday, says that the women pitching 
nowadays throw the ball as fast as The King did back in his prime.

Imagine that - Although I never had the chance to put a radar gun on The 
King while in his prime (I was much too young and radar guns weren't 
available then) I know that he would have been throwing the ball as hard as 
our hardest throwers of today. The top women in the world struggle to get 
pitches to go faster than 65 mph and even at 40' the top male hitters in 
the world would be licking their chops to have a go at that.

As most top level men's fastpitch fans know, Tim Maziarz of Pennsylvania 
handles the Fastpitch Chronicle radar guns each year at the ISC World 
Tournament and even had it at the Elkland tourney in late August.

There are about a dozen male players who move their pitches along at 80 mph 
or more and the top three or four can get them up to 84 quite regularly.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a 15-20 mph 
difference in speed results in strikeouts! Those women have never faced 
that kind of overpowering speed.

I think I'll check out Roger May's website for some pictures of Paul 
Rohmeier in action.

Bob Tomlinson

  From: WisconsinISC at aol.com

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