[Alsfastball] New Brunswick University Ladies Fast Pitch League - Championship

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Oct 12 06:37:14 EDT 2004

From: "Stanton, Robert       (DNR/MRN)" <Robert.Stanton at gnb.ca>
To: "Al's Fastball List (fastball at pmihrm.com)" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: New Brunswick University Ladies Fast Pitch League - Championship
         Tournament Schedule
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 07:16:29 -0300

The Dentyne Fire and Ice League Championship Tournament Schedule is as 

Sunday, October 17, 2004 - Prospect Street Fields, Fredericton, NB

                Field 1 (Lower)                         Field 2 (Upper)

10:00           (1) UNB F (US) vs. U de M               (2) St. Thomas vs. 

12:30           Winner 1 vs. Winner 2                  Loser 1 vs. Loser 2.

From: "Stanton, Robert       (DNR/MRN)" <Robert.Stanton at gnb.ca>

  Als Fastball List
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