[Alsfastball] Sorenson retires for good

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Oct 13 00:17:01 EDT 2004

Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:45:48 +1300
To: "SNZ Media Release": ;
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz>
Subject: Sorenson retires for good

Mark Sorenson retires for good

Wednesday October 13

Black Sox veteran Mark Sorenson has today announced he has now retired from 
softball at all levels.

Sorenson, 37, has recently returned home from playing at the prestigious 
International Softball Congress tournament in the United States, and says 
that will be his last playing appearance, at home or in North America.

Sorenson retired from international softball in 2001, but came out of 
retirement to play for New Zealand at the world champs in Christchurch 
earlier this year, which the Black Sox won.

In doing so they became the first team in the history of the sport to win 
three consecutive world titles.

At the ISC tournament, Sorenson played for Wisconsin team County Materials 
and set a new record for appearances in the "All World" or tournament team, 
selected for the 12th time in his career.

"I really feel my career is complete now," he said.

"The ISC record is something I've been after for a few years so it's a 
fitting way to finish off."

During Sorenson's career he was in the national side for an incredible 18 
years and for 11 of those was captain. He won world championship gold 
medals in Michigan, USA in 1984 and 1996, in East London, South Africa in 
2000 and in Christchurch in 2004.  When he retired in 2001, he became the 
first player in New Zealand softball to have his number retired.

Softball New Zealand Chief Executive Hadyn Smith says the sport owes a lot 
to Sorenson.

"Mark made his return to international softball for all the right reasons 
last year. It was a chance for him to have an input into world championship 
success at home and to finish a playing career on top among his Kiwi 
supporters," he said.

"We're proud that Mark made his return but we also understand his reasons 
to finally hang up his glove from the international stage. Our sport owes 
him a lot."

Sorenson will now concentrate on his role as the coach of the Junior Black 
Sox, who compete at the under-19 boys world series in Canada next year. He 
also plans to spend more time with his family, wife Jayne, daughter Jaimee, 
15 and son Grayson, 5.

"Fortunately for us, Mark is the type of New Zealand sportsman that will 
never be lost to his sport and we look forward to being a big part of the 
next chapter in his sporting career," Smith said.

Sorenson says he feels ready for the new challenge of coaching.

"I've already spent a bit of time with the under 19s, mostly watching. Now 
I'm ready to test the waters in this new phase of my career."

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*  mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz

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