[Alsfastball] Wanted - Fastball Players in the GTA

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Oct 14 12:50:14 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:47:15 -0600
From: "Jon Halbert" <jhalbert at auracom.com>
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Wanted - Fastball Players in the GTA

Toronto, ON

Players in the GTA,

The Mudhens of the Oshawa City & District Softball Association are looking 
to upgrade their team from this past season.  We already have a couple of 
new additions ready for next season, but we are looking for more interested 
players.  Specifically, we are looking for a solid pitcher to share the 
workload with David Eschli, and a couple of committed position 
players.  Our team is very versatile, so we can find a place for players of 
any position.

For 2005, the Mudhens are looking to compete in more competitive 
tournaments, including the Intermediate Eliminations.  Interested players 
can contact myself at jhalbert at auracom.com, or David Eschli at 
david at eschtech.biz.

Jon Halbert & David Eschli
Co-Managers, Mt. Albert Mudhens

From: "Jon Halbert" <jhalbert at auracom.com>

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