[Alsfastball] Import Rule

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Oct 22 16:51:24 EDT 2004

Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 11:25:54 -0600
From: Keith Mackintosh <k_mackin at ducks.ca>
Subject: Import Rule
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

Hi Al
I see that the "Import Rule" is up for discussion again at this year's 
Softball Canada AGM.  A couple of provinces have proposed going back to 3 
imports as opposed to the 1 import we have now.  Does anyone have thoughts 
on this?  Why would we change it?  Is it a good idea?
I am in agreement that the mess we had with player eligibility in St Croix 
this summer overshadowed the play on the field a little but is changing the 
rule the answer?  Or is enforcing the rule already in place the way to 
go?  I see both sides of the argument.  Smaller provinces feel they need to 
increase the import number to compete and to sustain teams at the Sr. A 
level.  Without examining the population totals of the provinces I would 
think that Saskatchewan would be on the low end of the scale.  Yet, two Sr. 
A teams represented that province and both finished in the medals with 1 
import each.  I wonder if increasing the import number will increase the 
number of teams participating in the provinces.  Will this rule bring back 
a representative from Quebec or New Brunswick?  Or will it simply 
strengthen the line ups of teams that participate already?
I am not arguing one way or the other on this matter and I do want what is 
best for the game.  Thoughts???

Keith Mackintosh

  From: Keith Mackintosh <k_mackin at ducks.ca>

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