[Alsfastball] I.S.C. Announces Personnel Changes

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Oct 26 12:07:35 EDT 2004

I.S.C. Announces Personnel Changes

International Softball Congress Executive Director Ken Hackmeister is 
announcing several personnel changes and additions within the organization.

Larry Fisher has requested, and been granted, a change of status from 
Ohio-W.Va. Area Commissioner to Commissioner at Large.  This change is 
being made to allow Fisher to devote more time to his duties as Executive 
Committee Chairman.

Al Thomas has been appointed Ohio-W.Va. Area Commissioner replacing Larry 
Fisher.  Thomas is a long time player and administrator.  He has assisted 
Fisher with numerous Area Tournaments as well as assisting with several ISC 
Developmental Tournaments in Frankenmuth, Mi.  Thomas is a high school 
teacher and former varsity boys’ high school basketball coach.
<mailto:Coach724 at aol.com>Coach724 at aol.com

Jim Flanagan has been appointed an ISC Specialist for ISC – II 
Streaming.  Jim voluntarily handled the inaugural ISC – II streaming 
operation this year from Fargo and did an excellent job.  He is a long time 
pitcher, and still playing the game, in Southern California.  He has held 
numerous administrative positions with 
NAFA.  <mailto:Jim at fastpitchwest.com>Jim at fastpitchwest.com

Bret Baughman will continue his duties as Assistant ISC Statistician but 
will now be assuming the additional role of ISC Historian.  For the past 
several weeks, Bret has undertaken the job of gathering historical data 
from previous ISC World Tournaments.  He now has most of the tournaments 
1947 through 1958 displayed on our web site at 
This work will continue until every ISC World Tournament through 2004 is 
displayed on our web site.

Jim Williamson was formally appointed as a Commissioner At Large last 
summer and has been functioning as an ISC Commissioner since then.  He 
comes to the ISC from the NAFA organization where he has held several high 
level administrative positions, the last being Executive Vice 
President.  Jim brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the 
ISC.  His job description is somewhat unique as he will be responsible for 
a variety of Special Projects - - several of which are currently 
ongoing.  Because of his background in the ISC-II and Developmental levels 
of play, his experience will be a tremendous asset to the ISC. 
<mailto:JRWilliamson at foodfacility.com>JRWilliamson at foodfacility.com

We are confident that each of these gentlemen will do an excellent job in 
their new assignments for the organization

Oct. 18, 2004

From:  Gordon Wise - - - ISC Information Officer
<mailto:sgwise at woh.rr.com>sgwise at woh.rr.com

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