[Alsfastball] Softball NZ - Peoples Choice Sports Awards on SKY Sport 1 starting this week

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Nov 1 19:54:38 EST 2004

From: "Hadyn " <hadyn at softball.org.nz>
To: "Hadyn Smith(Work)" <hadyn at softball.org.nz>
Subject: Softball - Peoples Choice Sports Awards on SKY Sport 1 starting 
this week
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 13:34:34 +1300


I hope you can support Softball’s thoughts on some worthy applicants in 
certain areas of these awards and help ensure that anyone that recognises 
success is also aware of how to vote for the Freedom Air Peoples Choice 
Sports Awards through to December 8.

Freedom Air Peoples Choice Sports Awards
I have been advised that the NZ Community Trust Black Sox, Coach – Don 
Tricker, and Sportsmen – Jarrad Martin and Mark Sorenson have polled well 
in the Peoples Choice Sports Awards initial vote and will now feature in 
the finals over the next month – the first show starting this Thursday on 
SKY Sport 1.

What Softball supporters need now is for the same level of support from our 
membership and friends for the actual awards over the next month.  Your 
support can be by way of text to 3334, or by phoning 0900 33334 or if you 
are a digital subscriber, by using your remote.  Each version will cost 99c 
with funds raised used in the support of future Paralympians in all 
sports.  Don’t ring until after each show – where you will get exact 
details or by visiting 
<http://www.peopleschoice.co.nz/>www.peopleschoice.co.nz  You can vote in 
each category right up until Dec 8.

This weeks show will feature the NZCT Black Sox starting on Thursday the 
4th of Nov on SKY Sport 1 at 8.30pm.  Next week Coach Don Tricker will 
feature at the same time and channel (Thursday the 11th).  Mark and Jarrad 
will feature on Thursday 2nd December on SKY Sport 1 at 8.30pm.

These shows will also feature in a simulcast on Radio Sport.

Please pass this message on to anyone that may have an interest in 
supporting the New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox and Don Tricker, Mark 
Sorenson and/or Jarrad Martin.

Kind regards - Hadyn Smith


Softball New Zealand

Level 1, 7 Ward Street

PO Box 30 322


Phone:  0064 4 566 7023  Fax:  0064 4 566 7026  Mobile:  021 SOFTBALL (763822)

Website:  www.softball.org.nz  E-mail: 
<mailto:Hadyn at softball.org.nz>Hadyn at softball.org.nz

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