[Alsfastball] University of Ottawa Softball

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Nov 4 00:38:28 EST 2004

From: "Scott Searle" <Scottsearle at rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: University of Ottawa Softball
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 23:27:45 -0500

     From last weeks Prescott Journal. My apologies for the timing but it 
is still a nice article on the team and Erin.  For more information on the 
team in the offseason please watch our website at 

Durant flourishing in university softball

     Prescott-area native Erin Durant has continued her sporting excellence 
at university as she has quickly established herself as a key player on the 
Ottawa U Gee Gees softball team.

     Durant, who played softball the past few years for a Kemptville tier 2 
team, has been quick to pick up the university game.

     Durant, a Gee Gees outfielder, has been enjoying her first year of 
school as both a school athlete and history major.

     "It was pretty tough to start (balancing everything)," said Durant, 
"but after a couple weeks you get into a bit of a routine.  Actually, 
playing ball has probably helped me with getting my school work done.  If 
I'm not playing ball or in class, I'm generally studying to make sure 
everything is finished.  I've been having a great time with it.

     Despite making a relatively smooth adjustment to the university game, 
the first year history major is still making adjustments to the new level 
of competition,

     "It hasn't been as hard as I expected," said Durant. "I didn't expect 
to get a lot of playing time since I came from tier 2 ball and most of the 
players in the league played tier 1.  Its a different game and a lot of the 
girls are older and stronger, so the pitching is better and I'm having to 
play deeper in the field because they hit the ball further."

     With the help of Durant, the Gee Gees have been on a roll with a 
second place overall record in the league and first in the eastern division.

     Ottawa U assistant coach Scott Searle indicated he has been impressed 
with the play of Durant, who is making an impact with the team as a first 
year player.

     "She's been playing really well for us," said Searle. "We have a very 
fast team, and she adds even more speed at the top of the lineup."

     Searle explained Durant's play has been good enough through the season 
to attract the attention from other teams.

     "We were the top team last year and had a lot of players back," said 
Searle.  "She's near the top of the team in batting average and has added 
to the strengths of the team.  She came into a tough spot joining a 
championship team, but she's really made a name for herself around the 
league.  This is only year one for her; we're looking forward to her being 
a part of the team for years to come."

From: "Scott Searle" <Scottsearle at rogers.com>

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