[Alsfastball] It Happened At The Park

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Nov 13 10:49:46 EST 2004

From: iscken at comcast.net (Ken Hackmeister )
Subject: It Happened At The Park
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:58:26 +0000

  I am soliciting contributors for It Happened At The Park stories for use 
in the 2005 ISC World Championship Guide.

It Happened At The Park is a series of short anecdotes or humorous 
situations that occur at ball parks and during games.  Examples used last 
year can be found on pages 36, 66, 68, 83, 94 and 100 in the 2004 ISC Guide.

Submissions can be anonymous in the Guide or we can attach the contributors 
name.  It's entirely up to the contributor.

Anyone interested in providing humorous situations should send them to me 
by December 1.

From: iscken at comcast.net (Ken Hackmeister )

  Als Fastball List
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