[Alsfastball] OASA tournament dates

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Nov 25 20:05:32 EST 2004

Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 01:57:31 +0100
From: "Jackett, Ken" <ken.jackett at coveright.com>
Subject: OASA tournament dates
To: "'Fastball'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>


The Ontario Amateur Softball Association is pleased to announce the
following Elimination sites and dates for the 2005 season.

ORLEANS, ON  - PeeWee Elimination - June 24 - 26
Contact - Lise Beauregard - 613 - 824 - 6787
                                 - belibeau at travel-net.com

BRESLAU, ON  - Junior Elimination - July 01 - 03
Contact - Jennifer Miranda - 519 - 651 - 3475
                                            - jennifer.miranda at sunlife.com

NAPANEE, ON  - Midget Elimination - July 08 - 10
Contact - Pattie Sharpe - 613 - 386 - 3478
                                        - pattie_sharpe at hotmail.com

KITCHENER, ON - Sr. Men's & Intermediate Men's Elimination - July 29 - Aug.
Contact - Ray Alviano - 519 - 893 - 4684
                                     - ray.alviano at sympatico.ca

We look forward to working with these outstanding centres to welcome OASA
teams to these tournaments.

Ken Jackett
Vice President
Ontario Amateur Softball Association

Cobourg, ON
905 - 372 - 1896 ext. 249
905 - 372 - 1355
ken.jackett at coveright.com

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