[Alsfastball] White Sox blast past All Stars

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jan 17 10:33:51 EST 2005

Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:57:14 -0500
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz> (by way of Al Doran 
<fastball at pmihrm.com>)
Subject: White Sox blast past All Stars

White Sox blast past All Stars
Saturday January 15th 2005

A fourth inning blitz has seen the New Zealand Community Trust White Sox 
defeat the World All Stars team 4-0 in the NZCT Tri Series at Smokefree 
Ballpark, Christchurch today.

Two big hits to the left field fence in the fourth inning from White Sox 
hitters Fiona Timu and Maleme Williams scored all the runs for the home 
team. Jackie Smith lead the inning off by getting on base via and error and 
Togi Lote following her did the same. That brought Williams up to the plate 
and she smashed the ball to the left field fence for a stand up double that 
scored Smith.

White Sox captain Fiona Timu kept the runs coming when she also hit to the 
left field fence for a stand up triple to score Kalala Faalogo running for 
Lote and Williams. Timu then rounded off the scoring when she came home on 
a hit by Nic Pouaka.

Ahead by 4-0 the White Sox were always in control of the game with Kiwi 
pitcher Lisa Such keeping a tight lid on the All Star batters. Such started 
the game on the mound pitching six innings and giving up just the two hits 
and no runs. Such was replaced at the start of the seventh inning with 
16-year-old Jessica Hau coming in to pitch the final inning.

Australian pitcher Zara Mee was on the mound for the All Stars facing 29 
batters taking five strike outs and giving up five hits and four runs.

The White Sox have had two wins over the All Stars in the tri series and 
will face them again tomorrow at 12.30pm with the winner of that game going 
on to face the Japan under 23 team in the series final at 3pm.

The Japanese team won direct entry through to the final courtesy of two 
wins today over the All Stars 9-1 and the White Sox 6-5.

Victory over the White Sox today for Japan was a close run thing as the 
home team came from behind to give the visitors a real fright. With the 
Japanese team coasting at 5-0 in the sixth inning the game looked to be 
wrapped up but the White Sox had something to say about that.

The White Sox were sparked into life in the bottom of the sixth inning when 
designated player Maleme Williams smashed the ball to the left field fence 
with the bases loaded for a stand up double that scored three runs. Two 
further runs were scored in the inning on the back of hits from Cindy Potae 
and Nic Pouaka to level up the scores at 5-5.

Japan had more fight though in the top of the seventh inning they scored 
the game winning run when Ayumi Tanaka came home on a hit from Sonomi 
Monshita.  The White Sox had no answer in their final at bat with Japanese 
pitcher Miyuki Ito closing them out.


DAY 1: Japan 3 World All Stars 2, NZCT White Sox 3 World All Stars 0, Japan 
7 NZCT White Sox 1.

DAY 2: Japan 9 World All Stars 1, Japan 6 NZCT White Sox 5, NZCT White Sox 
4 World All Stars 0.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*   mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz

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