[Alsfastball] Harry Dozak passing

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Jan 23 22:46:23 EST 2005

1/23/05 9:43:36 PM 
From:  Ken/Cheryl <fen at bmts.com> 
To:  fastball at pmihrm.com  
Subject:  Harry Dozak  

Owen Sound, ON


Harry Dozak died Friday.  Almost nobody has heard of Harry Dozak,
butHarry was "Jake the Snake" in my neck of the fastball woods.

Harry was an intellectually challenged knuckle baller with a
hare lip.His life was fastball. He threw junk and nothing but.
Hisclaim to fame was his snakeball.although he pronounced it
"fnakeball'.His fnakeball was pretty good, baffling many recreational
players inour hometown of Owen Sound which was pretty well a
fastball Mecca atthe time.

Harry was a fixture at Harrison Field, six doors down from my
place and3 down from a guy named Bill Simpson and his young son
Jamie. Iremember that Wednesday night was the big ball night
at Harrison Field.I often watched Harry throw the junk and last
into the fifth or sobefore losing in the sixth. Harry didn't
win alot. He didn't need to.

Harry lived the game. Harry was fastball and fastball was Harry.
I'veseen some of the best play our game, but I'd be hard pressed
to findone with the drive and dedication that Harry Dozak showed
everyWednesday night. Nothing at stake, nothing to gain, nothing
to lose.Fastball for the sake of fastball.

We'll miss the fnakeball, Harry.

Ken Fenwick
fen at bmts.com


Als Fastball List
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