[Alsfastball] Black Sox strike back

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Feb 3 07:23:08 EST 2005

2/3/05 4:21:04 AM 
From:  SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz> 
Subject:  Black Sox strike back  

Black Sox strike back
Thursday February 3rd 2005 10:15pm 

The New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox have come from behind
to defeatJapan 9-5 for their third victory today at the Evodrive
Series inRotorua.

Black Sox outfielder Thomas Makea set the crowd alight at RotoruaInternational
Stadium tonight in the bottom of the fifth inning with anin the
park home run with two runners on base. That hit put the Black
Soxin front for the first time in the game and it was a lead
they refused torelinquish.

It was a trying game for both sides as constant rain throughout
thefixture made things difficult. Discussions were held between
the umpiresand team coaches in the fifth inning regarding the
conditions but thedecision was made to play on.

Japan took the early lead with two runs in the opening inning
courtesy ofan automatic homerun from the bat of Hiroshi Ishimura
over the centrefield fence with one runner on base. 

The home team struck back with one run of their own in the first
inningwhen Nathan Nukunuku also send the ball flying over the
centre fieldfence. The outfield fences were rattled again in
the second inning whenYasutoshi Yamasaki for Japan hit over the
right field fence to put histeam up 3-2.

Strong hitting in the bottom of the second saw the Black Sox
peg two runsback with Patrick Shannon and Rhys Casley both scoring
to tie up thegame. Japan scored again in the third and fourth
innings to take theadvantage again before Black Sox captain Jarrad
Martin came up withsomething special to get his team back in
the game.

Martin fired the ball over the left field fence in the bottom
of thefourth inning with Thomas Makea on base to score two runs
and put hisside back on level terms with Japan. 

Following on from the heroics of his captain Thomas Makea then
came tothe party with his in the park home run to score three
runs to give theBlack Sox the advantage. One further run in the
bottom of the sixthinning on the back of good running from Roman
Gabriel saw the Black Soxclose out the game.

In the pitching stakes Thomas Cameron started the game on the
mound forthe Black Sox but was replaced in the second innings
having given upthree runs and two hits from the seven batters
he faced. 

Tane Richardson came on in relief for the Black Sox and had a
strong gamewith Richardson taking seven strikeouts and giving
up five hits againstthe 22 batters he faced. 

Yukinori Nakashima started the game on the mound for Japan before
beingreplaced in the second inning by Tatsuya Hamaguchi.

Day one of the Evodrive Series has been a successful one for
the BlackSox as they have claimed three victories and along with
Australia are theonly unbeaten teams in the tournament. 

The Black Sox opened the day with a 2-0 victory over Samoa courtesy
ofback to back home runs from Patrick Shannon and Rhys Casley
and strongpitching from Marty Grant.

Game two for the Black Sox was more convincing as they defeated
the AllStars 11-1 in six innings with the mercy rule invoked.
A feature of thatgame was the hitting of Rhys Casley who picked
up his second automatic ofthe tournament this time with two runners
on base. 

Day two of the Evodrive Series tomorrow will see the Black Sox
taking onJapan again at 3pm followed by an evening match up against
traditionalrivals Australia at 7pm. 

Results Thursday February 3rd -   

Game 1  New Zealand    2       Samoa   0
Game 2  Australia      2       AllStars       0
Game 3  Japan  2              Samoa           0
Game 4  New Zealand    11      AllStars       1
Game 5  All Stars      1       Japan   3
Game 6  Australia      6       Samoa   1
Game 7  New Zealand    9       Japan   5 

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
* mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz 

*mailto:snz at softball.org.nz 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
* mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz 


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