[Alsfastball] Black Sox blast past All Stars

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Feb 3 07:22:03 EST 2005

2/2/05 11:37:38 PM 
From:  SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz> 
Subject:  Black Sox blast past All Stars  

Black Sox blast past All Stars
Thursday February 3rd 2005

Strong powerful hitting has seen the New Zealand Community Trust
BlackSox take out their second victory today at the Evodrive
Series inRotorua.

In a convincing display the Black Sox were too strong for an
All Starstaking out the win 11-1 at Rotorua International Stadium
this afternoon.

A feature of the Black Sox hitting was a big home run from Rhys
Casley inthe fifth inning as he pummelled the ball over the right
field fence withtwo runners on base. Casley’s automatic against
the All Stars comes onthe back of another home run earlier in
the day against Samoa.

Casley was not the only home run hitter in the game with Brad
Ronagetting in on the act in the second inning and Black Sox
captain JarradMartin ending the game in the sixth inning also
with an automatic.

The Black Sox were not the only home run hitters with the All
Stars onlyrun of the game coming in the fourth inning when baseballer
Travis Wilsonsmashed a huge homer over the left field fence.

After picking up one run in the first inning via Thomas Makea
and anotherthree in the second the Black Sox were always in control
of the gamewhich finished in six innings when the mercy rule
was invoked as theBlack Sox were up by 10 runs. 

While there was strong hitting there was also a good performance
on themound from Black Sox hurler Michael Gaiger who pitched
five inningsfacing 17 batters and taking nine strike outs and
giving up just twohits.

Tane Richardson came on in relief in the sixth inning to make
his debut.Another to make his first Black Sox appearance was
catcher Lyndon Andrewwho started the game before being replaced
in the sixthinning.       

For All Stars pitcher Jeremy Manly it was a tough day on the
mound as hehad few answers to the power of the Black Sox batters.
Manly faced 30batters giving up 10 hits and taking one strike

It has been a strong start to the series for the Black Sox as
victoryover the All Stars follows a win over Samoa earlier today

Following the game against the All Stars Black Sox coach Eddie
Kohlhasewas a happy man with the Black Sox hitting consistently
and new playersto the squad putting their hand up. 

While it has been a good start Kohlhase is still looking for
even more ashe wants his team to start games better and then
build on that throughoutthe game. 

The Black Sox have one more game today as they take on Japan

Results Thursday February 3rd   

Game 1  New Zealand    2      Samoa           0
Game 2  Australia      2       AllStars       0
Game 3 Japan          2      Samoa           0
Game 4  New Zealand    11      AllStars       1 

The Evodrive Pacific series final’s will be broadcast live on
TV2 from12pm to 5pm Sunday 6th February,  as well as simulcast
live over theInternet. This is NZ Time.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
* mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz 

*mailto:snz at softball.org.nz 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
* mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz 


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