[Alsfastball] Black Sox blast home

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Feb 4 17:35:28 EST 2005

Received: 2/4/05 5:25:30 PM 
From:  SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz> 
Subject:  Black Sox blast home  

Black Sox blast home 
Saturday February 5th 2005, 11:30am

The New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox have shown why they
are worldchampions this morning in the opening game of the day
in the EvodriveSeries at Rotorua.  

Taking on Japan in a game that was carried over from yesterday
when rainstopped play the Black Sox have defeated Japan 8-3.
When the game startedthis morning it was the bottom of the second
inning and the home side wasleading 1-0 but that advantage didn't
last long as Japan picked up threeruns in the top of the third

The strong hitting from Japan sent a shudder through the crowd
at RotoruaInternational Stadium as the Black Sox were put on
the back foot. Whilethe crowd may have had a few nerves there
were no such thoughts in theBlack Sox camp as they fired back
in the bottom of the third inning withinterest.

In a commanding performance the Black Sox put on an onslaught
of hittingpicking up seven runs as all the Kiwi batters hit the
ball hard andcaused errors in the Japanese field.

A feature of the third inning hitting from the Black Sox was
an automatichome run from the bat of Patrick Shannon over the
left field fence withtwo runners on base. 

Tane Richardson pitched the game on the mound for the Black Sox
todayreplacing Marty Grant who pitched the first two innings
of the gameyesterday. After a few early flutters in the third
inning as the Japanbatters picked up three runs Richardson took
control and refused them anyfurther chances.  

In another game completed this morning Australia have maintained
theirunbeaten record with a 8-3 victory over the All Stars. While
the scoreline looks convincing it was anything but with the sides
locked up at 3-3after regulation inning before Australia piled
on the runs in the firsttie breaker inning.

The Black Sox take to the diamond again at 2.15pm in the clash
of theunbeaten sides the Black Sox and Australia. 

Results Day 3 
New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox 8 Japan 3
Australia 8 All Stars 3 (tie breaker). 

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
* mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz 

*mailto:snz at softball.org.nz 

Cheers Vance 
Softball New Zealand web master.
* mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz 


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