[Alsfastball] Monkton

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed May 4 22:48:03 EDT 2005

   World Fastball Invitational - Monkton, Ont.

June 30 - July 3 2005.

A couple brief notes to pass along....

-Watch for the tournament schedule to be posted soon - here on Al's!

-Those of you who are planning a trip to Monkton and have not yet booked 
hotel rooms...
  to the best of my knowledge, the only hotel nearby with vacancy is the 
Festival Inn in Stratford (30 ms away)
The Country Inn in Listowel, and the King Hotel in Palmerston are either 
booked - or very near.
I suggest you call and make arrangements very soon!! - according to these 
hotels, there are many people coming to Monkton from afar!!

Brian Baillie - Chairman
World Fastball Invitational
  Mailto:baillie at cyg.net

ps - website updates nearing completion....stay tuned

  Als Fastball List
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