[Alsfastball] Kitchener Hallman Twins & Monkton...

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed May 4 22:51:16 EDT 2005

To: "Al's Fastball" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
From: "Brian Baillie" <baillie at cyg.net>(by way of Al Doran 
<fastball at pmihrm.com>)
Subject: Kitchener Hallman Twins & Monkton.....

Monkton, ON

  Twins Host "Highly Successful" Youth Clinics in Monkton.....

As part of our original tournament initiatives, the Kitchener Hallman 
Twins- in conjunction with the World Fastball Invitational, held a series 
of "skills" and "pitching" clinics for youths of all ages throughout the 
month of April in Monkton Ont.

The dedication and professionalism put forth by the Twins was greatly 
appreciated by the participants (and their parents!)

We are planning to host yet another youth skills/pitching clinic, the 
week-end of the World Fastball Invitational - and initial reaction has many 
"future stars" eager to take part and have a chance to spend time with some 
of the best mens fastball players in the world!!

A huge thank you to the Kitchener Hallman Twins!!!!!....well done!!

Brian Baillie - Chairman
World Fastball Invitational
Kitchener Hallman Twins
Mailto:baillie at cyg.net

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