[Alsfastball] RVC Club Team Opens Season

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed May 11 11:26:03 EDT 2005

For Immediate Release:
Rockford, Il.
May 18th, 2005
The Rock Valley College Club team will make its summer debute in the Dick 
Tracy tournament on Saturday, May 14th.   The RVC Club team is the only 
men's fastpitch team affiliated with a college or university in the 
country.   The tournament will be held at Veterans Memorial Sportscore 100 
Elmwood Rd.

Saturdays Schedule:

9 am: Bristol, WI
12:30pm Elkhart, In-Michiana Merchants vs Rockford, II-(WSC) RVC Club
2:00pm G#01 3rd Place Vs 2nd Place
4:00pm G#02 1st Place vs G#01 Winner

Tim Hatten
RVC Club Advisor and Manaager
mailto:timh at ednet.rvc.cc.il.us

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