[Alsfastball] Elkland, PA this weekend

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed May 11 12:11:11 EDT 2005

Elkland, PA- 5 Team will be in Elkland this Saturday, May 14th, taking part 
in the 4th Annual 2005 May Elkland Round Robin Tournament. This is a mens 
class B tournament. Here are the 5 teams that will be in attendance this 

1. Elkland Fastpitch Team(Elkland, PA)
2. Thunderbellies (Elkland, PA)
3. R & R Tents (Williamsport, PA)
4. Kenneyville Fastpitch (Keeneyville, PA)
5. Jean Bonnett Tavern (team formerly known as Kreider and Flick)

Here is the schedule for both Field #1 and Field #2 for Saturdays Games:

Field #1
9:00 AM Thunderbellies vs. R & R Tents
11:00 AM Thunderbellies vs. Jean Bonnett Tavern
1:00 PM Elkland vs. Jean Bonnett Tavern
3:00 PM Thunderbellies vs. Keeneyville
5:00 PM Elkland vs. Thunderbellies

Field #2
9:00 AM Elkland vs. Keeneyville
11:00 AM Elkland vs. R & R Tents
1:00 PM R & R Tents vs. Keeneyville
3:00 PM R & R Tents vs. Jean Bonnett Tavern
5:00 PM Jean Bonnett Tavern vs. Keeneyville

Any questions regarding the tournament can be directed at Joe Cevette at: 
jcevette at hotmail.com

Bruce Hackett
Mailto:brucehackett61 at hotmail.com

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