[Alsfastball] OASA Jr B Mens Provincial Results from Toanche

Christine Patenaude lat at love-a-tree.com
Sun Aug 14 17:38:41 EDT 2005

Toanche ON

The weekend of August 13 and 14 provided some great Fastball with 5 teams
vying for the Jr. B Provincial Title in Toanche (Penetanguishene) Ontario.
The weather held and we had a great tournament.


Game 1    Port Perry    7    Toanche 5
Game 2    Wyevale     8    Merlin    7
Game 3    Toanche 6    Merlin 1
Game 4    Wyevale 9    Smithville     0
Game 5    Port Perry    4    Smithville    1
Game 6    Toanche 7    Wyevale    3
Game 7    Port Perry 11    Merlin    2
Game 8    Smithville    1    Merlin 0
Game 9    Port Perry 5    Wyevale 1
Game 10    Toanche 4    Smithville     0
Game 11    Port Perry     7    Smithville    5
Game 12    Toanche 11    Wyevale    5
Game 13    Port Perry 12    Toanche    4

Congratulations to the Port Perry Lumberjacks who were undefeated in 6
games.  The tournament started out with Game 1 and 2 going to extra innings.

Toanche is hosting the Midget C Provincials on August 20 and 21 and are
expecting 7 teams in a double knockout.

Christine Patenaude
Toanche Park

From: "Christine Patenaude" <lat at love-a-tree.com>

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