[Alsfastball] Schedule is running late this evening, Tuesday

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 16 21:05:54 EDT 2005


Eau Claire, WI

County vs Riversharks started a short time ago, running about 2 hours 
late. This is the 6pm game.

delays due to extra inning and games that just plain ran long., but 
some great ball today.

And the weather is fantastic.

Game is live on Sportsjuice, just go to the http://www.iscfastpitch.com
site and select the Live Audio

The ISC website is updated every few minutes too

No word from eScribe..  We do not own it, its another party that runs 
it and we are only one of hundreds of users of their services.


Als Fastball List
*Email: <mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com>fastball at pmihrm.com
Website: http://www.alsfastball.com/
http://www.ISCfastball.com/  2005 Eau Claire, Wisconsin - August 12-20
NEWS: http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/
TEMP: http://www.fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball.htm

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