[Alsfastball] First Pitch Delayed at 2005 NAFA World Series

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Aug 18 13:16:18 EDT 2005

From: "Brett Bresnahan" <mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: First Pitch Delayed at 2005 NAFA World Series
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:07:51 -0500

North Mankato, Minnesota

Rain has delayed the first pitch at the 2005 NAFA World Series at 
Caswell Park in North Mankato, Minnesota.

The rain began last nite around 9pm, continuing through the 
evening.  A brief stoppage this morning occured for a few hours 
before the rain resumed around 9:00am.

The tournament's first game, an 11:00 am content between the 
Northwest Iowa Athletics and Suburban Insulation was moved to 1:00 pm 
to one of the two open fields at here at Caswell for the early rounds of games.

Check out 
<http://www.2005ws.nafafastpitch.com>www.2005ws.nafafastpitch.com for 
everything pertaining to this year's event.

Brett Bresnahan
NAFA Webmaster, Historian and Minnesota State Director
<mailto:mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>mnfastpitch at hotmail.com

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