[Alsfastball] NAFA websites

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Aug 19 13:56:05 EDT 2005

From: "Brett Bresnahan" <mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Temporary Home for NAFA World Series Website
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 12:07:32 -0500

North Mankato, Minnesota

Due to server problems, 
<http://www.nafafastpitch.com>www.nafafastpitch.com and 
are both unable to be updated.

While we attempt to remedy the problem with our server host, the 
temporary World Series site can be found at 
<http://www.minnesotafastpitch.com>www.minnesotafastpitch.com, then 
clicking on the heading on the Index page.

When the original World Series site is returned to working order, a 
posting will be made on Al's.

Brett Bresnahan
<mailto:mnfastpitch at hotmail.com>mnfastpitch at hotmail.com

Als Fastball List
*Email: <mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com>fastball at pmihrm.com
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TEMP: http://www.fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball.htm

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