[Alsfastball] AGM chance to bring softball community together (NZ)

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 22 22:27:51 EDT 2005

Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 10:14:18 +1200
To: "SNZ Media Release": ;
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz>
Subject: AGM chance to bring softball community together

AGM chance to bring softball community together
Tuesday August 23rd 2005

The Softball New Zealand annual AGM and conference to be held in Lower Hutt 
this weekend is a chance to bring together the sports administrators from 
all around the country as they work together to further grow and develop 
the game.

This weekend is the ideal opportunity to set the platform for the upcoming 
season in terms of growth and development in the game. New Zealand Softball 
president Bob Leveloff says the AGM and conference is the only opportunity 
each year to bring the sports leaders together and report back on the past 
season and share ideas for the future.

"It is a chance for people to give the board of New Zealand Softball 
feedback and direction, and learn a few things from the different workshops 
being held," said Leveloff.

The AGM will start on Saturday morning and the meeting will include the 
election of three people to the board of New Zealand Softball, there are 
five people standing for the vacant positions.

Other features of the weekend include a presentation regarding the 
commercial development of Softball New Zealand following an independent 
study that has been held over the past 12 months.

The weekend will also see the sports achievers recognised with the annual 
New Zealand Softball awards dinner on Saturday night. The evening will see 
a number of people recognised for achievement and service with two 
inductions to be made for the Softball New Zealand Hall of Fame and awards 
presented for achievements in the 2004/05 season.

Leveloff says the Hall of Fame and Distinguished Service awards are a 
chance to recognise people who have put so much into the sport of softball 
over the years.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*   mailto:snz-webm at vanf-graphics.co.nz

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