[Alsfastball] Bantam Boys Eastern Cdns

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 28 20:29:14 EDT 2005

From: Lee Cose <leecose at yahoo.ca>
Subject: Bantam Boys Eastern Cdns

Waterford Valley Bantam Boys lost 4-0 to the Napanee Express in the 
gold medal game today in NB.  The team finished with a 5-2 
record.  Waterford Valley beat NS 1 in their first playoff game 
6-1.  Wayne Furlong hit a two run home run in the 7th inning.  Mike 
Noftall pitched the win.  He was named tournament MVP.  Kyle Ezekiel 
was named to the tournament All Star team.  Members of the team 
include:  Derrick Stone,Mike Noftall,Kyle Ezekiel,Wayne 
Furlong,Nathan Hutchens,Liam Myers,Geoff Heffernan,Justin Noftle,Ryan 
Noftall,Ryan Dymond,Jordan Hatch,Stephen Reardon,Pat Heffernan and 
coaches Wayne Furlong,Paul Heffernan,Lee Cose.



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