[Alsfastball] Fw: North Leeds Mens Fastball League Champions

aldoran fastball at pmihrm.com
Wed Aug 31 10:07:29 EDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: "Scott Rice" <srice at rideauinsurance.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 08:53:41 
To:<fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: North Leeds Mens Fastball League Champions

Hi Al, 
The Newboro Rideau Insurance 56ers defeated the Lansdowne Longhorns last night 7 - 4 to win the North Leeds Mens Fastball League Championship 6 points to 2.  Jeff Rice started the game for Newboro and went 3 innings leaving with a 3 - 1 lead.  DP Tim Seed hit a two-run homerun for Newboro in the 1st inning to give Newboro an early lead.  Lansdowne scored 2 runs in the 5th to tie the game at 3 but Newboro scored 4 runs in the 6th to seal the victory.  Troy McLean picked up the win for Newboro.  This is Newboro's first Championship win since 1999.  
Scott Rice 
Newboro Team Rep.

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