Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Sep 2 17:31:45 EDT 2005

ISSUE #5 - By John Thompson 
<mailto:sstj99 at yahoo.com>sstj99 at yahoo.com 
Thursday September 1, 2005
Wednesday’s matinee encounter between the 
Kitchener Hallman Twins and St. Thomas Evergreen 
Centennials was not simply an emotionally 
charged, low-scoring tight encounter. It was the 
best of the Championships to date, with the 
(Harrah’s) ranked #1 and #2 teams meeting, and 
with 1st place in pool play possibly up for grabs to the victor.
Twins, victims in their minds, of a difficult 
umpire judgment, proved Yogi Berra was right 
–  “It ain’t over until it’s over!”
       Twins and Cents had traded runs late in 
the game for a 1-1 deadlock. In the bottom of the 
6th, following a base-hit by Twins catcher Brian 
Stere,  a pinch runner, Grant Baechler, found 
himself at 3rd base. On a called “Ball 4” to the 
next batter, which occurred on a wild pitch, 
Baechler broke for home. Veteran Cents catcher 
Craig Crawford turned to his left, and quickly 
retrieved a fortuitous bounce off the screen, and 
relayed to relief pitcher Rob O’Brien who was 
covering home plate. A well executed head-long 
slide by Baechler occurred as the tag was 
possibly applied
. and the balance of the game 
momentarily rested with the decision of the plate 
umpire. The umpire quickly called “Out” on the 
tag.  Bedlam erupted. Twins players and 
management argued vociferously, motivated by the 
highly charged atmosphere of the moment, and 
their obvious “vested interest” in the outcome. 
Fans were split – for every “straw poll vote” 
of  “Safe”, a balancing response of  “Out” was 
audible. Wisest fans simply opined  - “Too close to call!”
        When action resumed, to magnify 
volatility t the situation, Cents’ Crawford 
doubled to open the 7th 
.   and scored the 
go-ahead run on a single by DP/Pitcher Rob 
O’Brien. (recall, if you will, Crawford and 
O’Brien were also authors of the earlier defensive gem).
After 6.5 innings – Cents 2,  Twins 1.
        In B-7, the first two Twins went 
quietly.  Hold on, though -  Yogi was not to be 
denied. Pitcher Rob O’Brien had work to do to 
close out the game. Facing Twins veteran lead-off 
batter Jody Eidt, battery-mates O’Brien and 
Crawford (same two, yet again)  wisely didn’t 
“serve one up” for Eidt to launch into the 
south-west wind for prompt exiting over the 
centre-field fence. Four pitches – four called balls. Man aboard!
       People heading for the concessions paused. 
Runner on first – two out. Scrappy Bill “Nickel” 
Simmons stepped to the plate – only a minor 
threat to go deep. However, Bill gapped one and 
quickly, runners were on the 
corners.                                        (Continued, Page 3

YOGI WAS RIGHT – from Page #1
Twins fans were hankering. Cents fans were quietly apprehensive.
Twins lanky outfielder, Dale Levy stepped to the 
plate. First pitch
 sharply hit to right field. 
Tie game.  Next batter, Brian Stere – single and 
Twins win 3-2 courtesy an  innocent two-out walk, and three singles.
Perhaps it was a sense of retribution from the 
softball deities to somehow “right a wrong”. Or, 
perhaps it was just good sound late-inning 
heroics from a Twins’ line-up that has 
established an August slugging reputation.
For the Hallman Twins, yes it was “Game”. Beware, 
thought -  it’s not yet “Set” and a long way from “Match”.
Hold you breath for a repeat encounter on the weekend.
Yogi was right – For that Wednesday afternoon game, it wasn’t yet over.
However, Yogi may well strike again
 Friday night?  Saturday?  Or Sunday?
Doncha ya  dare miss it!


UMPIRES are not always correct in their calls. 
Anyone who tells you that the umps are, is either 
an Optimist

. or perhaps another umpire!!! 
However, in those “too close to call” situations, 
it’s important to make the “right call”.
That’s what occurred in the Twins-Cents game 
Wednesday afternoon, the home plate  umpire made the “right call”.
Was it correct? Perhaps not............. but it was “right”.

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