[Alsfastball] C7 final - St Thomas, ON host team over Kitchener Hallman Twins

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 3 20:56:41 EDT 2005



St. Thomas  7

Kitchener  3

Wardell started for St Thomas, relief from Cox.

Todd Martin Started for Kitchener, relief from Scott, then Paul Koert.

A capacity crowd again tonight, sitting on top of each other.

GUESSTIMATE of 3,5000 in my opinion.

50-50 was $1950 - they ran out of tickets.

Wonderful night in the park, cooling a bit, but a light jacket does 
the trick and the coffee from the BIG TENT is excellent - thanks Joe.

Newfoundland coming up next against Jarvis.  NL has played sensational all day.

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