[Alsfastball] C6 - Newfoundland over Saskatoon Black Sox - final

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 3 21:06:34 EDT 2005

C6 - Newfoundland over Saskatoon Black Sox - final

Saskatoon Black Sox

Sask:                1
NL:                  2


WP:     Matt Bramwell:            5.2 IP, 1R, 1ER, 5H, 7K, 0BB
             Ward Gosse:              1.1 IP, 0R, 0ER, 0H, 3K, 1BB
C: John Farrell

LP:       Trevor Either:               5.1 IP, 2R, 2ER, 4H, 7K, 0BB
             Sean Whitten:                       0.2 IP, 0R, 0ER, 1H, 1K, 0BB
C: Darren Box

Darren Box started of the scoring with a solo HR in the 3rd for Sask.

For NL,
Jason Hill, 2 hits
Bramwell drove in the winning run (Gosse)
Langmead had a triple.

This was an absolutely outstanding game enjoyed by a very large crowd 
of pro Newfoundland supporters.

Some of the crowd were early arrival of fans for the big game at 6:30 
between the host St. Thomas team and the undefeated Kitchener team. 
But many were carry over of fans who saw NL play early in the day and 
were impressed with their play and their heart.

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