[Alsfastball] Another Spectacular Day in the Ball Yard in St. Thomas!

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Sep 4 10:40:36 EDT 2005

St. Thomas, Ontario

The Softball Gods are smiling on us this week, today, Sunday, and the 
weather is simply fantastic!

10:30am in St. Thomas and the fans have been here since 7am or 
earlier staking out their seats and placing their lawn chairs.

We are about to be entertained once again by the very popular team 
from Newfoundland and Labrador.

They will be up against the powerhouse Kitchener Hallman Twins 
starting at 11am.

Watch the official site for results:  http://www.canadians2005.ca/

I will be updating my site during and after the game, apologies in 
advance for the typos, its sometimes tough to type results on a 
Blackberry while staring into the sun and trying to follow the 
action, but I will try and give inning by inning updates as the scores change.

Todd Martin has the ball for Kitchener today and Matt  Bramwell has 
it for Newfoundland.

Let's Play Two!

Al, at the Ball Yard

  Als Fastball List
* Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
http://www.canadians2005.ca/ Aug 28 to Sept 4
NEWS: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball
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