[Alsfastball] Congratulations (from Randy Souliers)

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Sep 5 09:29:51 EDT 2005

From: "Randy Souliers" <randys at nl.rogers.com>
To: "Al Doran" <aldoran at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Congratulations
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:25:11 -0230

Unfortunately I was not at the Canadians this year to witness the
outstanding performance by the NL team. But thanks to Al I got to follow the
last couple of days almost inning by inning.

First of all I would like to congratulate the St. Thomas team on their
championship performance. You had a super tournament.

However I had to write to congratulate the guys from the 'ROCK'. I have had
the pleasure of umpiring these players for most of their playing career.
Going into this tournament they were long shots just to get into the
playoffs. They had no big name players no hired guns. These guys played with
a lot of heart, pure determination and the burning desire to win. It's nice
to see that we can be competitive when only using our own local grown
talent, especially when we have a lot of players not at home and who are
playing against us and who are key cogs in the wheel for several of the top

I have long said that one of the advantages we have in NL is the fact that
we still have our local Senior league, (thanks mainly to Bill Barron). This
is one of a very few in the country, and it has helped develop many of the
top ball players in the country. Other areas need to get back to basics and
start developing local talent in order for our game to grow and prosper.

Today Newfoundland has a new crop of players with a few veterans add for
stability. The experienced they have gained by playing ball for different
teams across Canada and the US has certainly improved those players as I
witnessed when I umpired the recent ISC World Tournament. They really proved
to me that our local players are some of the best in the world.

Even though I have now officially finished my career on the field as an
umpire, I look forward to following the continued development of this team.
You are a credit to the province and more importantly to yourselves. Once
again Congratulations and hopefully within the next year or two we will get
over the top and bring home the gold.

Randy Souliers

From: "Randy Souliers" <randys at nl.rogers.com>

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