[Alsfastball] Hustle Hogs at ASA B nationals

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Sep 9 00:49:15 EDT 2005

From: "Tom Crouch" <dfsc at juno.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 02:05:43 GMT
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Hustle Hogs at ASA B nationals

Decatur, Il

The DeKalb Hustle Hogs entered the first national tournament in their eight 
year history.  For seven of the Hogs, it was the first men's national 
tournament they have ever been to.

The Hogs drew Feye Realty from Cedar Rapids.  The game went 12 innings and 
the Hogs were victorious 1-0.  Tommy Crouch RBI in the top of the twelfth 
that scored Matt Smith was the game winner.  Jason Iuli has 23 strikeouts 
in the 12 inning marathon..

Hogs 1
Cedar Rapids 0
WP Iuli (12IP 3H 0ER 8BB 23K)
Hogs: Crouch 2x4, triple, RBI, Smith 3x5 R

In game two the Hogs faced New Image from Wisconsin.  The Hogs struggled at 
the plate and in the field losing the game 11-2.  Brian Tobin's RBI single 
scored Matt Smith and Tom Crouch for the only Hog runs.

New image 11
Hogs 2
LP Murphy (5IP 11H 11ER BB 2K)
Hogs: Crouch 1x1 BB, Tobin 1x2 2RBI, Smith 1x2

In game 3 the Hogs made great defensive plays and had an outstanding 
pitching performance from Tim Murphy.  The Hogs defeated Savannah, Mo. 
2-1.  Matt Smith had two hits for the Hogs and Shaun Cavasos had the game 
wining RBI.

Hogs 2
Savannah 1
WP Murphy (6IP 3H ER BB 5K)
Save: Iuli (IP 0H K)
Hogs: Smith 2x3, Drew 1x2, Tobin 1x2, Cavasos 1x3 RBI, Crouch 1x3

The Hogs blew a 4-0 lead in the fourth game to lose to PBI of 
Minnesota.  Matt Smith had a bases loaded triple in the third for the Hogs.
Hogs 4
LP Iuli
Hogs: Smith 1x3 3RBI triple, Dave Perkins 1x2 2BB, Tobin 2x4 double, 
Liddick 1x2, Dobbs 1x3.

It was a nice season for the Hogs.  The Hogs look forward to seeing 
everyone next season.

Tom Crouch
dfsc at juno.com

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