[Alsfastball] Prawn Rule, etc.. - Roger May

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Sep 20 11:02:17 EDT 2005

From: RogMay32 at aol.com
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:56:49 EDT
Subject: Prawn Rule, etc..

After having read a number of comments on AL'S FASTBALL from people who are 
involved in fastball, either as fans, players, or administrators, it seems 
obvious what the immediate solution is: rescind the PRAWN rule for further 
study and leave
"as is" the out-of-area rule for the 2006 season.

I have not read this amount of intense dislike for a rule since the
Softball Canada/OASA rule on pitching in the late 1990's.
We all know what a disaster that turned out to be!

It should be apparent that a large problem in North American fastball is a 
lack of
quality American-born players (pitchers and fielders) who are competent in 
the circle and at the plate.
This shortage of quality is a direct result of the disappearance of the USA 
from Major Men's fastpitch.

In 1981, my first time at an ISC World Tournament, there were 25 All-World 
players named to the 2 All-World Teams, including 2 Canadian and 1 New 
Zealand pitcher.
The rest (2 pitchers and 20 position players) were Americans. For those who 
percentages, 88% of the 1981 ISC All-World Teams were American-born.

At the 2002 ISC World, of the 30 All-World players, 40% (12) were 
I suspect that percentage has continued to drop 3 years later.

Major men's fastpitch (especially) is in deep trouble and the solution will 
not be
found in a "chosen few" creating new rules.
What is needed (and this has ALWAYS been true) is some progressive thinking
administrators in ALL organizations working together.  However that will never
happen (as we all know) because of the "turf wars" that continue to take 
place in
spite of the slow(?) death of major men's fastball.

If softball organizations wish to successfully continue to showcase their 
major tournaments then they had also better focus on cutting their costs.
It is tough now to get host cities to bid on the major tournaments due to the
high cost associated with the off-field activities.
The best solution is to cut the dead wood out of these organizations.

It is ironic that my favourite whipping boy (the OASA) who used to be guilty of
this very practise have now seen the light and are "lopping off the dead 
branches" while others continue along with that same old tired philosophy: 
what worked
30 years ago will work today.

If an organization has recognized those who have given long-term service 
with honour
(or in some cases dishonour) what else needs to be done?  Thank them and 
push them out the door. Don't saddle the host cities with your deadwood.

Thanks for listening.

Roger May
Etobicoke, Canada

From: RogMay32 at aol.com

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