[Alsfastball] Bobcaygeon Jermyn Lumber Wins 4th League Title In 5 Years

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Sep 20 10:37:15 EDT 2005

Subject: Bobcaygeon Jermyn Lumber Wins 4th League Title In 5 Years
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
From: rjunkin at ocwa.com
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:21:40 -0400

Fenelon Falls, Ontario

Bobcaygeon Jermyn Lumber finished up the season in the Fenelon Falls Men's 
Fastball League with a record of 18 wins and 1 loss and went into the 
weekend's play-off tournament this past weekend with a 1st round bye.

The Lumbermen's first action was against Sports Lettering Co. who had 
earlier defeated last year's league champions Lindsay Paper Box by a margin 
of 18-4.

Ian Knott went 7 strong for Bobcaygeon to defeat Sports Lettering in a 
well-played game 3-0.

W.P. - Ian Knott (Bobcaygeon): 7 I.P., 0 earned runs, 17 K's
L.P.- James ? (Sports Lettering): 6 I.P., 2 earned runs, 5 K's

Jermyn's next game was versus the hot-hitting Woodville Coffeeway squad. 
Nick McHugh struck out 15 to earn the 5-0 Jermyn Lumber victory. Nathan 
Kish hammered a three-run shot in the fifth to blow it open for Bobcaygeon.

W.P. - Nick McHugh (Bobcaygeon): 7 I.P. 0 earned runs, 15 K's
L.P. - Joe Lancaster (Woodville): 6 I.P. 5 earned runs, 2 K's

Jermyn's now waited to see who they would face in the final.

It ended up being Woodville once again as Coffeeway defeated Sports 
Lettering to get back to the final.

Nathan Coppaway started for Bobcaygeon with Coffeeway countering with the 
veteran Joe Lancaster. Bobcaygeon was just too well rested on this day and 
dominated the young Woodville team. Dave Taylor and Aaron Jermyn homered 
for Bobcaygeon and Nathan Coppaway struck out 15 as the Lumbermen won the 
final 11-0 and avoided the "if" game to win their 4th championship in 5 years.

W.P.- Nathan Coppaway (Bobcaygeon): 7 I.P. 0 earned runs, 15 K's
L.P. - Joe Lancaster (Woodville): 5 I.P. 6 earned runs, 1 K

Bobcaygeon outscored the opposition 19-0 in three games and three starters 
gave up 0 earned runs and struck out 47 combined.

League individual awards were also handed out.

Regular Season Champions: Bobcaygeon Jermyn Lumber (18 wins, 1 loss)
Most Improved Palyer: Kyle Switzer (Sports Lettering Co.)
Best Pitcher: Jim Spiers (Lindsay Pontiac)
Most Valuable Player: Duane Webster (Woodville/ Coffeeway)
League Champions: Bobcaygeon Jermyn Lumber (3-0)

Richard Junkin

From: rjunkin at ocwa.com

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