[Alsfastball] PRAWN is a good thing - John Mikan

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Sep 20 09:12:45 EDT 2005

Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 21:41:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Mikan <sportssportswriter at yahoo.com>
Subject: PRAWN is a good thing
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

We keep hearing from the top ten teams.  I do not play
but have attended the last four world tournaments.
The game is declining.  One of the reasons is because
the big money teams are running the small market teams
out of the game.  Of course the big teams will not
like the PRAWN.  The big money players are only
concerned with their pocketbooks and not the game.
The big money players will lose money and that is why
they are upset.

PRAWN will spread the talent out.  I have heard some
players say that they will have no place to play.
Start your own team and see how tough it is to survive
like the lower level teams.

PRAWN is good for the sport and not good for the big
time player's pockets.

The majority of the players are for this that I have
talked to.  I have been told that the commissioners
who voted this in are players and managers.  They
voted it in by a landslide.  Just because a few
popular players start whining about the rule does not
mean that the ISC should change it.

Good job ISC.

This is what the sport needed.

John Mikan
sportssportswriter at yahoo.com

From: John Mikan <sportssportswriter at yahoo.com>

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