[Alsfastball] eScribe update as of 9 Sep 2005

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Sep 24 16:18:30 EDT 2005

eScribe.com Server Report

    * 9/9/05
    * eScribe suffered a massive power supply failure. I've tried two new 
power supplies both of which turned out to not be powerful enough and am 
buying the biggest, most powerful power supply today to install on the main 
server. If that doesn't work, I will consider buying a new server. I am the 
last surviving volunteer on the eScribe server project and I myself rely on 
it to archive my own mailing lists. I think I can promise that eScribe will 
be back online, at least the archives at first. No data was lost or 
destroyed. I need some time since I have to do this after work hours, but I 
am working on it. Thanks for the notes of support. I will try to put 
updates here regularly.
    * Another problem is the eScribe BB server. This server went down 
shortly before the main server (main server holds the archives, BB server 
holds the bulletin boards). This went offline a day or so before the main 
server. No, I do not suspect foul play at all. These are just very old 
computers that are dying. All data is safe. I will explore this server 
repair after the archives are back online.
    * More as it happens.
    * -Scott

  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball
    eScribe is down, and may be out


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