[Alsfastball] Prawn petition - Patrick Graham

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 28 19:03:17 EDT 2005

Subject: Prawn petition
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 17:58:06 -0400
From: "Patrick Graham" <pgraham at dapc.com>

We have heard from a number of players, fans, sponsors, etc.  I have
started this petition to see where exactly everyone stands.  Is it just
the few who have spoken that have a dislike for the rule or is there
more.  Lets try to get a proper feel as to where the public stands.  If
you could post this link on your site, it would be greatly appreciated.


This petition is not a plea for status quo but to recognize that change
is required and necessary but to agree that PRAWN is not the answer that
the ISC is looking for.

Patrick Graham

From: "Patrick Graham" <pgraham at dapc.com>

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