Fw: Dropped Third Strike

aldoran fastball at pmihrm.com
Fri Oct 14 14:16:06 EDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: "James Robert Williamson" <jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:00:43 
To:"Al Doran for Postings" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Dropped Third Strike

For Immediate Posting by Jim Williamson
jrwilliamson at foodfacility.com

Dropped Third Strike

We all know the baseball rule rule - See below

"6.09 The batter becomes a runner when ... (b) the third strike called by
the umpire is not caught, providing (1) first base is unoccupied, or (2)
first base is occupied with two out.
"When a batter becomes a base runner on a third strike not caught by the
catcher and starts for the dugout, or his position, and then realizes his
situation and attempts to reach first base, he is not out unless he or first
base is tagged before he reaches first base. If, however, he actually
reaches the dugout or dugout steps, he may not then attempt to go to first
base and shall be out."

Is there an umpire or rulesmaker that can explain the logic that the
rulemakers used to state that a catcher must catch the third strike. What
are we trying to prevent ??

There are novices in my office that say the batter should be out for
swinging and missing the third strike regarless of what the catcher does.




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