Elkland Fastpitch Team Off-Season Updates

Bruce Hackett brucehackett61 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 2 15:18:18 EST 2005

Elkland, PA- The Elkland Fastpitch Team heads into this off-season with 
many facets of the team changing. The first change maybe in the name of the 
team due to new sponsorship. Elkland is currently trying to figure out 
which direction they would want to take in regards to sponsorship and may 
in fact have to give up their current team name in order to maintain 
existence. So stay tuned for more information on that front.

The 2nd major off-season move is the departure of first sacker/DH John Dry. 
Dry has decided to rejoin the Ricola Cough Drops, a team he played with 
during the 2002 and 2003 seasons. Dry spent two full seasons with Elkland, 
and leaves the team with 71 career game appearances, a .389 career Elkland 
batting average, and 10 homeruns and 59 RBI's in 203 career at-bats. 
Elkland has decided to counter the loss of John Dry with perhaps searching 
for a new leadoff hitter with speed, moving current Elkland leadoff hitter 
Bryan Miller down into the 3 or 4 spot in the order to use his power for 
more run production. Miller has hit 19 homeruns over the last two seasons 
for Elkland while batting out of the leadoff spot.

Finally Elkland has signed on two players for the 2006 season, infielder 
Mike Makoweic, and utility player AJ Oosterkamp. Makoweic played with the 
team in several tournaments in 2005, and will return as the teams third 
baseman. Oosterkamp will be just 19 years old next season, but already has 
two years experience in the Erie(PA) fastpitch league as a pitcher/position 
player. Oosterkamp will be the teams #3 pitcher, and also gives the team a 
player that can play a variety of positions in the field, as well as some 
speed off the bench. Elkland currently has 11 position players listed on 
its roster for the 2006 season.

Elkland posted a 33-10 record in 2005, and over the past 4 seasons, the 
team has a record of 108-72-4 (.587 winning percentage).

In 2006, the team hopes to maintain a 10-11 tournament schedule in 
PA/NY/Canada, and hopes for a return to the NAFA A-Major World Series. For 
more information regarding the Elkland Fastpitch Team, you can view the 
team website here: 

Thank you,

Bruce Hackett 
(<mailto:brucehackett61 at hotmail.com>brucehackett61(at)hotmail.com)

Elkland Fastpitch Team

Player/Assistant Coach

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