Election results - Softball Canada Board of Directors

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Nov 14 17:29:40 EST 2005

From: "Mat Gentès" <mgentes(at)softball.ca>
Subject: Election results - Softball Canada Board of Directors

In conjunction with Softball Canada’s Annual General Meeting, held in 
elections were held for Softball Canada's Board of Directors.  Kevin Quinn 
Edward Island) was acclaimed as President; Rose Hodgson (Ontario), Dennis 
(Alberta) and Tom Taylor (British Columbia) were all re-elected to the 
Board of
Directors.  As well, Larry Gould (New Brunswick) was elected onto the Board 
of Directors.

Softball Canada Board of Directors

President, Kevin Quinn (Prince Edward Island)
Director, Donald R. MacDonald (Nova Scotia)
Director, Dennis Milligan (Alberta)
Director, Rose Hodgson (Ontario)
Director, Lisa Down (Saskatchewan)
Director, Gisèle Vézina (Québec)
Director, Tom Taylor (British Columbia)
Director, Larry Gould (New Brunswick)
Ex-officio, Dale McMann (British Columbia)

From: "Mat Gentès" <mgentes(at)softball.ca>

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