Women’s NPC chance to impress with world - NZ

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Dec 23 08:34:21 EST 2005

Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 20:45:30 +1300
From: Vance <vance(at)vanf-graphics.co.nz>
Subject: Women’s NPC chance to impress with world
  champs in mind

Prince Edward Park, Pukekohe
Monday January 2nd – Thursday January 5th

The tournament is been held at Prince Edward Park, "Papakura"
not Prince Edward park "Pukekohe"

Women’s NPC chance to impress with world champs in mind
Friday December 23rd

With only eight months to go until the world championships the New Zealand 
Community Trust Women’s National Provincial Championships next week in 
Papakura will be the perfect opportunity to impress White Sox coach Mike Walsh.

The NPC tournament which runs from January 2nd – 5th is seen as one of 
development for New Zealand Softball and because of that the main women’s 
softball associations - Wellington, Canterbury, Hutt Valley, and Auckland, 
are restricted to selecting players who are either under the age of 23 or 
were not protected players in the NZCT National League competition. All 
teams outside the main four have no restrictions on their selections.

“While it is an age grade tournament there are a number of White Sox 
contenders participating and there will be more who come to light at the 
tournament. Of those who have been part of the White Sox training squad I 
will be looking for improvement at all levels from fitness to skill 
levels,” said Walsh.

In the middle of January Walsh will name two New Zealand teams to compete 
in a South Pacific Series against Australia and New South Wales in Hamilton 
in early February.

Southland go into the NPC tournament as the defending champions but there 
will be tough competition for the title coming from the likes of Auckland, 
Hutt Valley and Canterbury.

While the Southern side took out the title last season there has been one 
major change to the line up over the past year with White Sox pitcher 
Sheree Cartwright transferring to Canterbury. The loss of Cartwright will 
have a big impact as she is a dominating force on the mound along with 
being one of the leading hitters in the game.

Canterbury has entered the tournament for the first time and they are 
looking strong with the acquisition of Cartwright along with fellow 
internationals Nic Pouaka-Grego and Brooke Lockhart.

Other teams to watch out for include Auckland who has a very similar line 
up to the team that claimed the NZCT National League title earlier this 
month. Hutt Valley are also expected to be title contenders as they have 
experience from the likes of Kiri Shaw and Api Stone-O’Kane along  with 
promising players such as Aimee Gilbert and Katrina Stockford.

One team that could cause a few upsets is Tamaki Makarau who will be making 
their debut in the tournament. Led by national league winning coach Nardi 
Leonard and backed up by White Sox internationals Maleme Williams and 
Ngamoko Hiku they could be the team to watch.


Auckland – Amanda Preston, Carina Hale, Kalala Faalogo, Casey Roper, Tegan 
Bromhead, Kyla Bromhead, Rebecca Bromhead, Lisa Arkell, Casey-Lee Misa, 
Talilotu Tonu’u, Shannon Lockton, Emily Pateras, Amber Irving, Kylie 
Pirake, Kayla Clark. Coach – Wayne Roper.

Canterbury – Sheree Cartwright, Katie Newman, Elisha Smith, Nic 
Pouaka-Grego, Carmelle Sorensen, TeAwhina Hewer, Angela Hammond, Shar 
Mitchell, Emma Frost, Nicole Baxter, Alysha Metuatini, Brooke Lockhart, 
Andreana Duncan, Kereana Harris, Christina Paul. Coach – Todd Grego.

Hawkes Bay – Rachel Kairau, Whitney Nohokau, Angela Stubbs, Jacqui Graham, 
Amber Grant, Elizabeth Corbett, Emere Bell, Manaakitia Ngawhika, Sherilee 
Reese, Naomi Ioasa, Paula Hokianga, Sapphire Paul. Coach – Julian Nohokau.

Hutt Valley – Yvette Britts, Kiri Shaw, Rebecca Noble, Katrina Stockford, 
Teresa Noble, Aimee Gilbert, Lici Hina, Tania Wilson, Api Stone-O’Kane, 
Okawa Preist, Katchka Valtrova, Eva Rychtarkova, Renee McLennan, Cerise 
Costain. Coach – Togi Lote.

Rotorua – Johnna Flavell, Silini Gardiner, Hinemaui Ngatai, Vicky Patrick, 
Ronia Whare, Elaine Savage, Valerie Natana, Shelley Pene, Ruta Houkamau, 
Horiana Morrison, Tiweka O’Callaghan, Elayne Pene. Coach – Lil Natana.

Southland – Rachel Soper, Fiona McRonald, Mishani Areaiiti, Olivia Ribbon, 
Debbie Telfer, Tianna Areaiiti, Kate Cullen, Wendy Telfer, Victoria 
Reyland, Hayley Munro, Angela Taylor. Coach – Edgar Potter.

Tamaki Makarau – Helen Packer, Tania Misa, Jodie Byles, Whitney Brown, 
Sandra Creed, Tara Kaukau, Maleme Williams, Amelia Rika, Ngamoko Hiku, 
Ashleigh Harmer, Courtney O’Connell, Lydia Issac. Coach – Nardi Leonard.

Waikato – Kylie Peters, Ashley Johnston, Bianca Brown, Angela Johnston, 
Kameta Puke, Tania Topine, Tiaho Harrison, Hollie Tawhiao, Naomi Kara, 
Courtney Maihi, Teresa Tawhiao, Ngakura Martin, Lynda Luke, Sarah Nepe, 
Lois Johnston. Coach – John Johnston.

Wellington – Sarah Rodgers, Kate McArtney, Monique Solomon-Mill, Rachel 
Warren, Kimberley Nukunuku, Renee England, Megan Tasker, Christine Bishop, 
Erana Franklin, Chanelle McCardle, Anita Sidney, Elaine O’Rourke, Claire 
Harris, Maria TeAriki. Coach – Alex Carter.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell(at)xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz(at)softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*   mailto:vance(at)vanf-graphics.co.nz

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